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Game Face for Amica Insurance

Unique Marketing & Brand Awareness

The Need

In an effort to increase Amica’s brand recognition in the Pacific Northwest region, their marketing team achieved a sponsorship contract with the Seattle Sounders, a major league soccer team with a passionate following that regularly sells out a 65k seat stadium to a crowd with strikingly similar demographics to Amica’s base:

high income families with high-value assets.


We were tasked with presenting new ideas for how the brand might engage with this market in an adventurous way that was still in keeping with the brand’s core values. 

The Solution

We've been researching augmented reality experiences for another project around this time, and realized this would be the perfect context for an AR solution. We prepared a sample campaign called “Amica Game Face,” the premise of which was to create an AR game that fans could play on their phones as a fun, family-friendly distraction from waiting in lines, half-time, etc. Game Face allowed fans to take augmented photos and videos, which include co-branding for Amica and the Sounders, and could be easily shared on social media with pre-populated hash-tags.

With an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the sample game, we were able to produce the full campaign, which included multiple games, a separate experience that promoted a box-seat ticket give-away contest, advertising for the games throughout the concourse and pre-game social promotion. This campaign would allow Amica to engage with crowds in a new way that was helpful, and memorable while demonstrating an authentic appreciation of Seattle’s favorite team.

The Results

The Game Face campaign was a win/win for Amica and Sounders fans alike. Fans were able to create highly sharable and personalized content using emerging technology tailored to their interests, and Amica was able to engage with a new and highly tech-friendly audience with an activation that was budget-friendly, easy to use, and offered lasting brand exposure through social media share.

Key Assets

Key Branding Elements:
Campaign logo and visual identity, custom “Game Face” illustrations
Product Flyer

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